Swiss-born Tina Stieger is a designer, trend researcher and creative strategist with an intuitive and visual approach.

She works from her studio in Eindhoven where she provides advice to companies and organizations on future strategy development. 

As a color specialist she works further on self-initiated projects where she strives to create new color narratives that go beyond purely aesthetic considerations.

In her studio, she explores the various dimensions of color, especially in relation to the natural world, and makes them accessible to a wide audience through workshops and color lectures.

She is a guestlecturer at   Academie Artemis in Amsterdam and at Fontys University of Applied Sciences in Tilburg.

Tina Stieger holds a degree in Industrial Design and a Master of Arts in Design with a specialisation in trends from the University of the Arts ZHdK Zurich.

Tina Stieger
Trendresearch & Strategic Advisory

Overakker 83
5629 CM Eindhoven


KVK-Nr. 80791158
BTW NL003488294B59

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