Color unfolds its beauty in combination with other forms, materials, surfaces and light. Blended or blocked, colour stimulates our senses and plays a significant role in the way we experience the world around us.

I am passionate about color. And I am wondering; what are the colors of crisis? Which colours enhance our well-being and enable us to re-connect with ourselves in times of uncertainties and disorientation?

We need colors that convey confidence and optimism. Warm tones give us a feel of comfort and enable us to feel grounded. Sparkles of bright colours such as yellow or pink represent energy and trigger our curiosity. Combined with soft and tactile materials we re-gain the feeling for the physicality of the place where we can connect to.

Concept, styling & photography
by Tina Stieger

© 2024 Tina Stieger. All rights reserved.



The world is changing in a rapid way, but in which direction? Which new products and services will be relevant for the consumer of the future? As trends represent our lives in constant flux, they reflect who we are and why we do. Especially in times of fundamental structural changes, detecting and understanding trends enables us to unravel complexity. And act on it.

How can we make trends visible and more tangible in order to get a better understanding of possible futures?

The students from 'Trendresearch & Concept Creation' Fontys ACE created for the Ambiente fair in Frankfurt the five consumer trends RADICAL ESCAPE, INTERWOVEN, BYPASS THE SYSTEM, UNCHAIN THE REBEL & HUMAN MIMICRY and presented them with visuals, materialization and daily trend tours.

Credits students: Anna Gehlen, Elena Dineva, Femke Verspaget, Ilsa Karssenberg, Sharon Verhoeks, Sanne Aalbers





© 2024 Tina Stieger. All rights reserved.




We are currently experiencing a time of increasing uncertainties due to significant economic and social shifts. Our lives have become more unpredictable, and we find ourselves feeling vulnerable and disoriented more quickly.

What implications do these changes have for a cosmetics company like Summery? Where do the trends present opportunities for the brand to respond with their future products and services? What is necessary to create meaningful innovations in the future?

This trend report is based on the brand 'Cenzaa'. It offers insights into cross-sectoral trends that are currently unfolding and may be relevant for the brand's short-term future, within the next two years. The trends are also contextualized within a broader trend landscape to reveal potential long-term opportunities for the brand.

The objective of this trend report is to provide inspiration and insights that can be later integrated into various marketing activities of the 'Cenzaa' brand.



© 2024 Tina Stieger. All rights reserved.




The Danish textile brand Kvadrat is known for its unique use of colour and tactilty in its outstanding collections. For the Swiss Retail segment, I developed and realized various colour- and material workshops. The trainings offered inspirational inputs to the clients and demonstrated how colours and materials can be implemented in interior projects to create tactile spaces.
Color is interplay with material, structure, shape and light. We are surrounded by colors everyday. Blended or blocked, colours touch our tactile senses, consciously and unconsciously. In interior spaces, colour is strongly related to the material, its structure and tactility. Some colours are subtle and need contrasts to unfold their complete beauty. Others demand certain restraint in its use.

Moodboards & Photography: Tina Stieger



© 2024 Tina Stieger. All rights reserved.



Referring to human intervention in the natural environment and the structuring of our landscapes the textiles become systematic grids of efficiency and geometric beauty. The architectural arrangement of nature serves as inspiration for the collection Landscape and brings the flower field directly into the urban living space.

The textile collection Landscape is exclusively designed for the Swiss Retail brand Interio. The collection consists of a series of plaids, pillows and rugs.




Copyright © 2023 Tina Stieger. All rights reserved.